Searching for a veterinarian: The essential checklist
Step One: Determine your needs
Before you actually start looking for a veterinarian, take some time to think about the needs of your Maltese Puppy as well as your own needs. For instance, do you have a schedule that's fairly flexible that would allow you to go to an appointment in the middle of the day? Or would it be more convenient for you to have a vet that makes house calls? Are you prepared to drive across town to the best vet or would you prefer someone with an office close by? These are just some of the things you should think about before you begin your search. Step Two: Research
The phone book might seem a bit obvious, but it is a very good resource of information about your community. Just remember that fancy phone book ads don't guarantee a positive working relationship with your vet!
Here are some other helpful resources:
Contact your local Humane Society or animal shelter and ask if they can provide you with a list of veterinarians in your area.
Talk to other Maltese Puppy owners in your neighborhood about their veterinarian. Word of mouth is often the most reliable source since you get the information from an end user's perspective. They'll be the ones to tell you if a vet's people skills are as good as their animal skills. Step Three: Start asking questions
What are the office hours? Is the vet available on Saturdays or open after 5 p.m. at least one day a week?
How easy is it to get an appointment? Do you need to book far in advance?
How many veterinarians are in the practice? If there are more than one, can you request a specific vet?
Does the vet (or vets) have any areas of specialty? For example, geriatrics or behavior?
What services are provided? For example, are there after-hour emergency services? Does the vet make housecalls? Do they offer boarding services?
Are services like x-rays, bloodwork or other diagnostics done on-site or is a specialist required?
What associations is the vet affiliated with? For example, a membership with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) signifies that the veterinarian has passed certain standards in the areas of facility, equipment, and quality care.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Is it easy to find parking? Is there a cost for it? Step Four: Pay a visit
Once you've narrowed your search down, visit the veterinarian office in person. Take a good look around and make note of the following:
Is the facility clean and comfortable?
Do they offer additional products like specialty Maltese Puppy food, grooming items, toys, etc.? (These may not be necessities, but it's good to know they're available.)
Is the staff friendly and helpful? Do they seem knowledgeable? Do you feel comfortable talking to them? You may think this seems like a lot to go through to find a veterinarian, but you're really doing much more than looking for a medical expert. You're looking for someone who will care for the needs of your Maltese Puppy so you can look forward to a longer life together.
Before you actually start looking for a veterinarian, take some time to think about the needs of your Maltese Puppy as well as your own needs. For instance, do you have a schedule that's fairly flexible that would allow you to go to an appointment in the middle of the day? Or would it be more convenient for you to have a vet that makes house calls? Are you prepared to drive across town to the best vet or would you prefer someone with an office close by? These are just some of the things you should think about before you begin your search. Step Two: Research
The phone book might seem a bit obvious, but it is a very good resource of information about your community. Just remember that fancy phone book ads don't guarantee a positive working relationship with your vet!
Here are some other helpful resources:
Once you've narrowed your search down, visit the veterinarian office in person. Take a good look around and make note of the following: